Our classroom experience consists of a daily routine of activities rich in the development of academic, communication, fine and gross motor, social, and adaptive skill-building. In addition, physical, occupational and speech/language therapy are provided in the classroom as needed. Children who are not able to participate in classroom settings receive individual therapy.
If your child is between 3 and 5 years old and you are interested in our preschool special education program through the Mount Vernon School District, you can go directly to the Special Services Office of the Mount Vernon School District. They will complete the initial paperwork and send us the referral. Their phone number is (360) 428-6141.
If you live outside the city of Mount Vernon, please refer to the table below to contact your local school district’s special education division.
If you reside outside of Skagit County, please contact your local school district office and ask to speak with a representative from its special education department.